Monday 23 January 2012

Day Five In Fashion

Today we commenced to work with fabric. We were to cut our shape into a light, medium and heavy weight fabric to familiarize ourselves with the different weights of fabric. Also to look at how the different weights sat when placed on the mannequin. Until now, my tutor pointed out that my shapes to date were all very repetitive, which was true. She suggested I look more towards an organic approach for this exercise to acquire a new variety of shapes. I really enjoyed this approach as it was much freer and more unpredictable. I spent the day working primarily with medium weight so tomorrow I plan to experiment with a light weight fabric and a heavy weight fabric. It should be interesting  to see the differences! I like the contrast in shape between my fabric pieces and my paper pieces previously. I should be able to pull a broad new spectrum of shapes from these, some which will work some which won't;

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