Monday 16 January 2012

The Pursuit of Fashion Design.

Our project dealing with movement and motion has now concluded. We have moved onto what is called 'Ranking', whereby three disciplines are selected for trial out of the six offered by the Limerick School of Art and Design; Fashion Design, Visual Communications, Ceramics, Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking. For my three disciplines I have chosen to trial Fashion Design, Visual Communications and Printmaking. I came to the Limerick School of Art and Design to study Fashion Design, so it is paramount that I give those two weeks my all. And I will. Unfortunately the competition is cut-throat as spaces are limited. Fashion Design happens to be my first schedueled discipline, a prospect I was uncomfortable with. However I'm here now and I'm really enjoying it. I'll be documenting my progress on here day-by-day for the next two weeks on the trials and tribulations of it all!

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