Tuesday 24 January 2012

Day Six In Fashion

Apologies for being a tardy blogger, the screen on my laptop was broken on Monday. Today we met with tutor Mairead to discuss and critically assess our work to date. To my relief I was still on track, but she suggested that I look more towards the 360 aspect of my shapes. This excited me and I spent the rest of that evening visualizing and sketching what some of my shapes might look like when viewed from the side and from behind. Lots of my shapes were very intricate so these drawings took longer than I expected. Some of the more complex forms required a lot of logic thinking and imagination. It was thrilling to see how different some of these designs looked when placed 3-dimensionally on the body, equally however, some were disappointing. When the birds started singing I decided it was time to call it a night, but I will certainly return to this tomorrow!

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