Sunday 18 December 2011

I wanted to incorporate the printing method into my project. I thought printing would be suiting to my project seeing as writing and printing have always had a strong connection. I used these pages that I wrote with my quill as a starting point for my prints;

Using the photocopier I blew up sections of my handwriting;

and used these to make woodcuts;

This was just an experiment as I wanted to print onto sheets of felt that I made. However I was unsure if the felt would take the ink, so I only made a small wood cut to start. 

One of the many sheets of felt that I made ^^

I printed these woodcuts onto the felt, which took up the ink perfectly;

..So I went on to make more. I wanted to use colour for the rest. It had been pointed out to me that my project was very monochromatic, which was true. I carved some more woodcuts;

A quote taken from 'Sailing to Byzantium' by Yeats.

A quote from Hamlet by Shakespeare.

I used these woodcuts to print onto the pieces of felt I had made. I rather detested how these turned out but they took some time so up they go;

I also experimented with monoprint. These were more gestural;

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