Sunday 30 October 2011

I then moved onto working with cardboard. I began by writing sentences across large sheets of cardboard with black paint. I wrote quickly to generate a greater sense of movement within my writing. I forgot to photograph the bigger pieces before I cut out the lettering but this is a left-over section;

I then cut out all the the lettering. I began experimenting, looking at the different shapes I could create, using the cut out letters which were based on the motion of my handwriting. Some 2-D arrangements;

And a 3-D arrangement;

When I cut out the lettering I was left with stencils, so i decided to spray paint sections of these on to paper. I deliberately chose to work on small paper as I wanted to focus on the curves and movement of the writing as opposed to the text itself. Some examples from my sketchbook;

[These should be landscape, but it's not working]

I then tried out some stenciling on newspaper sheets;

The stencils I used to make these;

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